We Living In The Black Hole!!!!


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We Living In The Black Hole

We live inside what we call "the universe". But if we look closely, it seems that there is some connection between a black hole and our universe. So, is it even possible that we are living inside a supermassive black hole? This turns out to be a good question to answer, because there are many people who approach cosmology and astrophysics for the first time and find themselves with a lot of questions about the universe we live in.

We can say that everyone is interested. A mix of existential questions that have both philosophical and scientific answers. This happens because we are human, and we stay up all night asking questions. You can drive yourself crazy by asking such questions. What are the similarities between the universe and a black hole? They seem so different, but what are they? Follow me on this journey through the universe to learn more about the connections and differences between black holes and the existence of the universe, between event horizons and particle horizons, the black hole singularity and the big bang singularity.

Black Hole Cosmology (Schwarzschild Cosmology)

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Schwarzschild Cosmology

A black hole cosmology (also called black hole cosmological model or alternatively Schwarzschild cosmology) is a cosmological model in which the observable universe resides inside a black hole.

Such models were originally developed by theoretical physicist Raj Patharia and simultaneously by mathematician I.J. was suggested by Good. This is actually almost known to be the case; However, most cosmologists consider this close match to be a coincidence. But let's take a step back and consider some connections between a black hole and our universe.

The first coincidence: the mass of the universe and the size of a black hole. This coincidence happens when we look at the universe and we compare the universe to a black hole: we look at the universe and we say: If the universe had a black hole the size of it, what would be the mass of the black hole? Holes must be the mass of the universe'? It's a really simple equation, you plug it into the Schrödinger equation and then... you get the mass of the universe. This is somewhat interesting: if you plug the mass of the universe into the black hole equation, you get the size of the universe.

At first blush, the universe and black holes seem to have some similarities. Second Coincidence: Event Horizon and Particle Horizon. Thus, nothing that enters a black hole can exit or be observed from beyond the event horizon. The particle horizon (also called the cosmic horizon, comoving horizon, or cosmic light horizon) is the maximum distance from which light from a particle could travel to an observer over the course of the universe.

Due to the expansion of the universe, the age of the universe such as the Hubble horizon is not simply a multiple of the speed of light, but the speed of light multiplied by conformal time. Also, both the Big Bang and the Black Hole possess the concept of a singularity. We can easily see that there is some connection with both the event horizon and the particle horizon. We are caught by a black hole, and once we enter, we cannot get out; We're inside the universe trying to get out, but we can't because there's a limit to how far we can go... But... is that enough to conclude that we're living inside a black hole? Of course not.

Difference between a black hole and the universe

Let's go ahead and try to discuss the difference between a black hole and a universe now. First difference. The Big Bang Singularity is actually different from the Black Hole Singularity. At the center of a black hole is a gravitational singularity, a one-dimensional point containing enormous mass in an infinitely small space, where density and gravity are infinite and space-time curves infinitely, and where the laws of physics as we know them stop working.

As noted American physicist Kip Thorne described it, this is the point at which all the laws of physics break down. Current theory suggests that, as an object falls into a black hole and approaches the singularity at the center, it expands or "spaghettifies" due to the increasing difference in gravitational attraction between its parts, possibly before losing all dimensions and irreversibly disappearing into the singularity. An observer watching from a safe distance from the outside, however, would have a different view of the event. According to the theory of relativity, they would see that as the object approaches the black hole, it will move slower and slower until it comes to a complete stop at the event horizon, never actually falling into the black hole.

Instead, the Big Bang singularity or primordial singularity is a singularity predicted by some models of the Big Bang theory to have existed before the Big Bang[1] and was thought to contain all the energy and spacetime of the universe. The instant immediately following the initial singularity is part of the Planck epoch, the oldest period in the history of the universe. A black hole singularity is just a place. Time is embedded inside a larger universe. Instead, the Big Bang Singularity is the entire universe, where it all began. Second difference.

When it comes to the event horizon, we can say that the event horizon of a black hole is like a bubble, again embedded in the larger universe and once you enter you can't get out. Whereas, in the universe, wherever you go, you're already in the bubble. The third difference. Moreover, a black hole singularity is something that lies in the future: if you enter a black hole, no matter where you go and no matter how hard you try to get out, you will be led towards the singularity, you will always end up in it. The singularity is always in the future. Instead, the Big Bang Singularity is something that happened in the past.

If you go back to the past you will realize that you cannot escape that singularity, but if you go to the future you can go in any direction you want without ending the singularity. so Looks like we learned more. But it is still not enough. In fact, it seems that we have added some new things without reaching a satisfactory conclusion. Our question has not yet been answered. We learned that there are connections between black holes and our universe, but we also learned that there are some significant differences.

What is the truth?

Well, it turns out that truth is not false in some physical reason, but in some mathematical construct. Here's why. We look at our reality, our universe, through the eyes of Einstein's relativity. If you look at the universe and see this kind of pretend play that's a black hole, it's just a coincidence. A consequence of the fact that we are using the same equation to describe both our universe and black holes. We describe them both using the general relativity set of equations.

A set of equations can be applied to different situations. In our case, it can be applied to the evolution of the universe just as it can be applied to a black hole. In either case, once you solve the set of equations mathematically, you get a set of solutions that are almost identical, because they come from the same set of equations. Can you see the thin connection between the two? We can say it is because of mathematics, not physics, that we are deceived. Because of that, some coincidences pop up.

A black hole and the universe certainly have some similarities, for example, both are believed to have a symmetric distribution and lead to similar solutions in mathematics. But we can ask another question: even if this is not a mathematical coincidence, and it turns out that we actually live inside a black hole, so what? Nothing will change. The equations that describe the evolution of our universe will be the same. All our knowledge of cosmology will be the same.

We will still be limited by particle constants: we will learn nothing! We will gain nothing. So even if there is this chance for us to be caught in a black hole, our advice is, as Paul M. Sutter says: "Don't take all that analogy too far! Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar and sometimes a set of spherically symmetric solutions is a set of spherically symmetric solutions."

What did we learn today? and conclusion

That's what we learned today. So we want to give you a hint: keep dreaming, but keep in touch with reality. s Oscar Wilde said: Though some of us look up at the stars, yet we are all in the gutter. But we want to say that even as we look up at the stars, sometimes we have to remind you that we're all in the gutter. Put your feet back on the ground, because science is what pushes you to dream, but it's real stuff, made of real bodies, science is concrete. Do you think we could actually live inside a black hole? Let us know in the comments below!

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